Cork Homeopathy
Cork Homeopathy
For Health & Well-Being
For Health & Well-Being

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Homeopathy is a natural and highly effective system of healing that gently helps restore health and well-being.
Homeopathy is suitable for everyone, at all stages of life. It offers a safe and long-term solution to maintaining and improving your health. Not only does it act on unwanted symptoms, but it also works on the uderlying cause of these symptoms by stimulating your immune system, increasing your energy and so improving your body's ability to overcome illness.
The Cork Homeopathy practice, run by
Veronica McNamara BSc, PhD, ISHom,
is located close to Cork University Hospital at -
For appointments: Tel. 087-7413457

About Veronica
Veronica McNamara is a registered Homeopath with the Irish society of Homeopaths http://www.irishhomeopathy.ie/ & graduate of The Irish School of Homoeopathy, Bru Columbanus, Cork City and has been involved in treating patients with a broad spectrum of illnesses.
Originally a clinical research biochemist, Veronica says: “My journey in holistic healthcare began after eighteen years of involvement in conventional medicine when I turned to homeopathy for my own health problems and that of my children. The outcome was extremely positive and I became so intrigued with homeopathy that I embarked on the 4 year professional course with the Irish School of Homeopathy. Today I enjoy not only the benefits of homeopathy myself but I also enjoy working with my patients, helping them on the path to achieving good health and well-being.”
A Consultation
The first consultation takes approximately 1-1.5 hours during which a comprehensive case history is taken. The aim is to get an overview, not only of your presenting complaint, but also of you as a person, therefore aspects such as your appetite, energy levels, sleep patterns, how you are affected by weather and changes in temperature, mood changes, anxieties and your reaction to stress will all be relevant in the interview.
Subsequent visits are usually shorter and depend on the nature of the case.
The number of visits required will depend on the nature of the complaint and how long the symptoms have been occuring.
Private Health Insurance Rebates
Homeopathic treatment with a Registered Homeopath is eligible for reimbursement with several private healthcare providers. (Refer to your policy details).
Nothing contained in this website should be taken as individual medical advice or as a substitute for consulting your doctor or homeopath.
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